Monday, April 17, 2006

A Three Hour Tour

I've been itching to go out and enjoy the beauty of Vancouver, but I knew the weekend would consist of a lot of clouds and rain. Friday morning I woke up and planned out the day in my head while P slept in a bit more. Even if it did rain, I was determined to enjoy my time outside together with P.

We headed off about 10 minutes drive from home to Stanley Park to Prospect Point. As soon as we exited the bridge we felt like we were in a different world. We instantly paid for our parking and set off so that I could do some photo practice. My first shots were overlooking West Vancouver** at Ambleside and beyond, and to the East with the Lions Gate Bridge. Luckily we paid for our parking because the bike meter boy was ticketing by the time we walked back to the car.

We decided to tour more of the park and ended up checking out the Pitch n Put along with a spectacular walk. I took this photo of P looking more like a model in my mind. Yeah the scenary was pretty beautiful too. P thought the fence he was leaning on was pretty cool and so did I.

Our tour took us through some beautiful trees and great red flowers looking out onto a great view at the Lagoon. I started photographing a bird asleep because the reflection was all so beautiful. All of a sudden P started telling me to watch out, watch out. Wondering, what am I watching out for?

But we ended up being entertained by a mischievous devil as he started running for that duck. A didn't catch a photography of the two together but I'm sure you can piece the pics together to get the point. I haven't seen a racoon in a while so it was a riot to watch this guy dig through the dirt and eat a few tastey earth worms. Doesn't it make you want to just stop reading and get a snack?

Our meter was running out, so we headed back to the car before hitting the West End. Because we decided to leave before lunch and weren't hungry enough, we decided to walk down town sans car and enjoy our time outside. In the end, it was a three hour tour, but lovely at that.

** Be sure to click on the photos if you want to see them enlarged and not hurting your eyes.

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