Sunday, May 14, 2006

Weekend Wrap Up

Spring Flowers
Originally uploaded by thnkfst.
Our weekend was full of sun and immense beauty, pure heaven. Really I know I am lucky to live where I live, but at times it is hard for me to accept the beauty I left behind in Switzerland. I know at times I am very selfish for that and should be living in the moment more. I certainly did live in the moment this weekend, and here is just a minor glimpse at all of the beauty I am able to share. The spring flowers are one of my favorite shots from the trip.

So the weekend started off with a nice visit to Queen Elizabeth Park. This is the place where P and I were married in December, so I guess it does have a place in my heart. It's beauty certainly shines during the spring bloom and fall colors. Below are pink and blue flowers at the clock tower, just a short distance from Bloedel Conservatory.

It just wouldn't be right without showing off the view. Over the bushes is the North Shore, where we live in North Vancouver, maybe 40 minutes away, maybe less.

This is part of the Chinese Garden theme which connects to all of the floral beauty.

Now for the floral macros.

I'm not a fan of posting too many pics all at once, so if you'd like to see a few more from the wekeend go to flickr.

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