I'm posting this early for your enjoyment/laughs...
One year ago (Dec 10th) today, P (my handsome husband) and I got married at Bloedel Gardens in Vancouver, BC. It was a very small wedding with only our immediate families attending. Maybe some thought we were going to have a little one pop out, but a year later we have proved those theories wrong. We wanted it this way and were hoping to have immigration completed already. We still have a lot of waiting to go for that process. But Here are a set of never posted photos.
My favorite pic taken that night.
We won't be doing anything overly exciting this year. A nice dinner and time together is enough for me. Considering my early Christmas presents to myself consisted of a work permit and a medical check. They are definitely Pricier than most GREAT presents at that! I could afford a vacation at that cost in fact! Or a few days in a wonderful hotel.
But Time sure does fly! Here's a look at what I wrote last year. And a few pics from the wedding.

It's our time to celebrate. I still can't believe it's been a year. In that time, we have only grown fonder for each other and can't wait to spend time together every night after work. I'm wishing for more travels together in the next year. And yes P made sure to get my flowers already. He's so wonderful to me. :)
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