Sunday, March 16, 2008

Swiss Excitement

I've got the pre-vacation excitement. Actually it hit me on Thursday as I have a lot of prepping to do with P starting a new job, him working odd hours and me leaving on HIS birthday for my dream trip... I can't stop thinking about everything I need to do.

I had to make sure I wasn't getting rusty, it's been a few weeks..
(Vancouver on my morning walk Friday.)

As I'm finding out, I've got a long to do list on vacation and not enough time to do it. At any rate, you won't find me on the computer or Internet unless I'm checking email or trying to get in touch with P since he'll be holding down the fort in Canada.

For those of you who haven't seen some comments, I'm meeting up with one of the regulars on my blog while in Basel. It should be lots of fun! My goal of my trip is to photograph lots, so I'll see how that goes as I'm not so people picture friendly.

Stay tuned for one last post before I leave!

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