Sunday, July 11, 2010

It's Finally Summer

I've been down because we really were not having any type of summer that we normally have here in Victoria. Well I finally got my wish last Wednesday July 7 and Thursday July 8 where we broke our record temperatures of 32.6 C. I know it's not hot, but remember we do live next to the ocean! To give you a perspective, the day before our high was just 16C!

Here are a few of photos from my parents visit last month to the city by the sea of Sydney.  This is a fun place to walk around, explore and eat a good meal.

 Nice new sculpture in the park.

 Views of low tide and Mt. Baker from far away.

 Beautiful views of the Olympic Mountain Range.

 Our body guard for the day.

 Cute painting I liked.

 My dad and his obsession with these sculptures.

 Cute duckling

Ways Sydney beautifies their city in the summer.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer breaks.


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Lovely Pictures!

    Apparently, it's very very hot in the Ottawa region. Which is not great since we don't have the sea breeze like you guys do.

  2. Beautiful area, and 16 is not summer at all! We have been way too hot here with lots of humid days with it, but no rain. This coming week we are suppose to have rain, but who knows? My garden has not done well at all so maybe it's time for a vacation!

  3. WOW!!
    The view of low tide and Mt. Baker is fantastic. What a great part of the world!

  4. I think I have told you that Astrid's brother lives in Sydney, Jen. I would love to visit there some day. Anywhere on Vancouver Island would be great to visit again. I love that place. I'm glad your parents were able to make it for a visit.
