Sunday, August 08, 2010

Rainy Day Happenings

Yesterday we got a look at what it is like to rain in Victoria for about the first time in 2 to 3 months.  It was definitely welcomed and I went out to take advantage of what I could see in the rain...

Here's a look at the photo hunt morning.

We found swallows in a feeding frenzy.  It was so amazing to watch.  Unfortunately I really didn't come up with that great of shots, but it was still amazing to see.


Look closely to see all of the swallows flying around in the rainy mist.

Swallow attack

Feeding Time 2
Swallow feeding on the flies.

Feeding Time 1
In Flight

Babbling swamp of green.

And then it started really raining and we were off to get warm!


  1. I see you have the same green algae floting/sitting on top of your ponds there, ET. It's everywhere here in The Netherlands, especially the countryside canals. Thank God you finally got some rain!

  2. Anonymous6:55 PM

    It's rainy and thunderstorm-y here too! I think July was pretty dry, most people seem to be happy about the rain.

  3. I do like you're photos - very fascinating to see this through you're lens!

    But: Please don't pass this weather on - over the Atlantic - to Oslo, Norway! At least not until after we've had the Oslo Blog Gathering!

  4. Wow - 2 months without rain, in Victoria.. Here we could a least need 2 weeks. Friday it really poured down - even with poweroutages.But today we had Sunshine and 24 C. Not much Sun for me, as I was busy preparing for meals etc when Mrs Lifecruiser arrives Sunday and Claudie on Wednesday. They will stay in our Winterhome during the OsloBG. We will miss you;-)
    I really love the video-clip, as well as the other photos. Watching birds is fascinating.
    (Even for our Cats - grrrr)

  5. What a neat clip! Yes, we are all so thankful for rain!!
