Wednesday, October 19, 2011

7 months and counting

Over the weekend, Cammie turned 7 months old.  Boy does time fly!  Each day is a day closer to going back to work which I'm not really looking forward to because I could totally take care of her and work from home again like I have done in the past..  We celebrated by having teething issues which seem to be ongoing and have no end in sight as her teeth are not even close to coming in yet.

Here are a few pics of her cuteness.

We still aren't crawling but we sure are comfortable on our tummy and sitting, just as long as it's not during sleeping time.

I'm still behind on our California posts.  Hopefully I can catch up soon.


  1. She is a doll, so cute! I love her hats!

  2. Aw, they change so much in so little time!

  3. Yes, the times flies when you have a sweetie like Cammie - and well, I think you well be aggected by her Teeths coming... Like all other parents..

    Give her a hug from the Vikings;-)

    btw. Thanks for your comment on my post from le Castellet...

  4. 7 months!? already!!!? she is gorgous, btw :)
    those hats are too cute, would be awesome to be able to knit or crochet some awesome things like that :)
    Enjoy the last months of mat leave, juggling work with baby has seriously been super tiring for me!

  5. OMG! I could eat her up!!!

  6. Anonymous5:35 PM

    she is gorgeous :)

  7. I just stumbled on your blog and wanted to say happy 7-months to you and your little girl. She's precious!

  8. She is a such cute little girl! Mine is 20 since the 23! Yes, boy does time fly!!!!

  9. Uh huh, she is definitely going to be a heartbreaker! Before you know it she will be grown, she is such a cutie pie! Now I'm off to see what else you have posted.
    Take Care,

  10. Anonymous11:20 PM


    What a cute baby :)

    I am Erika from TravelerVoice, a new social network for travel bloggers.

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  11. SSoooooooo cuuuuuute!

    Also here to say hello and thanks for all your support :-)
