Sunday, September 18, 2005

Useful Swiss Maps

I was doing a bit of reading today and came across this useful tool for Swiss maps and other places one might travel to. What's great about the tool is that you can put in the city and the zip and they will give you a "google" satellite type birds eye view of the area. It's quite impressive to say the least.

Here are two examples which work well:

1. Village of Staufen gives me the nearest bus stop. Quite useful if you need to get around without a car. My friend happens to live in this village. You can even see the church from the map. Since I do, all I did was zoom in and there the church was in detail and all.

2. Montreux - I once lived in a little town next to montreux and sure enough, all the train stops where I lived are detailed on the Swiss map.

Impressive tool for any tourist traveling in Switzerland...

I have to add happy birthday to my little bro who turns the big 25 today.. I wonder what you are up to....

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