Thursday, December 29, 2005

Crazy People

Crazy People
Originally uploaded by thnkfst.
This photo might not look all too odd except for the fact that it was taken on Dec 26th of this year. These crazy fools gather around with some hot chocolate, strip down to their swim suits and dive into the water like Polar Bears.

I think traditionally the Polar Bear swim happens on New Years day but in Comox they choose to get it over with a bit earlier. I was happy to watch all of these fools turn bright red. I'm no dummy, I was for 14 years and that is enough with my swimming career.

The above photo was another picture from the start of the race. It was extremely hard to take photos since I'm not 7 feet tall. Everyone gathered around to watch the crazy fools go into the water. I've been there, done that for too long so there was no way I was going to freeze my behind off for no apparent reason.

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