Thursday, March 30, 2006

Predicting The Weather

While I was growing up, it was very easy to predict the weather where I lived. More times than not, the weather man would be correct. I guess it was the way the gulf stream formed off the coast. Because we were about an hour away from the coast, I could walk outside and basically tell what the weather would be like. Storms could be predicted by the afternoon winds and if there was going to be rain, we'd probably know at least 2 hours in advance. But luckily most of the time, the weather was sunny, clear and warm.

Well yesterday in Vancouver, the weatherman predicted rain. What was different about this day was that we had a beautiful day full of sun! If anyone knows the usual weather of Vancouver, it's rain. Apparently the weather stream was making its way a bit slower than predicted. Off on another prediction again. Certainly something that I'm still not used to.

While living in Switzerland, I remember the weather being quite precise. The Swiss like to be precise of course. But all predictions were thrown out the window during the summer months in Montreux when a quick thunder storm and downpour could happen within 45 minutes after you think it might be clear, sunny skies all day.

This photo is from one of my favorite parks which I could go up to and see the weather. I loved sitting on the bench near by, listening to the ballades of Montreux from the 1800's. The best part about this park was the views were 100% better than from the house and our house views were pure paradise. I felt like I could sit there all day long. This photo was taken on April 7, 2003.

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