Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sunny Side Up

As you could have guessed from the title of my post, Vancouver had a lot of sunshine yesterday. The day was full of beautiful blue skies and probably even more people overflowing the local ski resorts.

To simply put it, it was a true spring like day without a hint of those snow flurries to be found and definitely a huge change from two days before.

Since I was totally drained from the bug I caught, I took a long stroll and enjoyed the outdoors as much as I could, with my tiny camera in tote.

As you walk outside our place, this is the view we see looking out towards the Lions Gate Bridge and Vancouver Island. Only yesterday, the view was just incredible. I only brought my small camera with me but I still was able to capture the beauty of Vancouver, although without the true clarity from my Nikon.

This second pic is of the North Shore but to me it looks nothing like it.

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