Saturday, January 29, 2011

Time is Flying By

Well time is certainly flying by quite fast.  I'm actually not working anymore due to doctors orders to relax and destress.  This past week was a very busy week full of appointments, including an ultrasound at 35wks and more blood tests. 

My iron levels were very low about 4 wks ago so I'm hoping they have risen in that time.  I certainly feel like I have more energy at least.

Here is a look at the progression since my last post.  We now have the crib up, looked at the car seat, have a few baby clothes washed and have a fun baby shower dinner tonight. 

 The photo we got of the baby from the ultrasound.

 35wks 3 days shot of Buddha belly.
The baby may even be weighing in at 7lbs already, but as many have told me those estimates can be way off!


  1. Wow, the ultrasound is very cool :-) Not too much longer to go but I bet you are ready for the time to go by fast!

  2. It is so amazing with ultrasounds these days. When my daughter came along they were just starting with some of it, and now it is a regular thing! Get plenty of rest as you will definitely need it. The days will feel like forever before your little one arrives, and then, like me with an almost 26 year old, you will be wondering where the years went!
    I hope you have a wonderful baby shower dinner, such fun, enjoy it!
    Take Care,

  3. can't believe you're 35 weeks already! so close!!! baby looks gorgeous!

  4. This is too exciting, Jen. One of these days soon we will actually be seeing BABY PICTURES! :) I'm so glad you are not working now. Just enjoy this time of waiting, planning, waiting. It'll be here before you know it and with no turning back!

  5. The best and most important of everything: Your pregnacy seems to be safe and sound and everything seems to be very normal.
    So be patient for the few weeks until you can see hello to your darling new creation of yours.

    I know after giving birth, then your focus will be far away from blog, but P then has to step up and tell all your friends how's going. Right?

  6. As uncomfortable as you may be, try to rest and enjoy your last few quiet moments. It is an exciting time, but soon someone else will be dictating your schedule full time :) Take some time for you now.

  7. Lovely, I'm so happy for you...
