Here are a few photos to top off the month. Next is the countdown until I'm back at work again. Trying to just enjoy every moment before I'm back again.
A beautiful morning to becoming a citizen |
Taking the Oath |
One giant grin on my birthday. |
hiding in the basket |
Cousins with matching new sweaters. |
getting hit by a snow storm or two. |
Keeping busy with Grandma and Grandpa |
Taking some walking laps with G'ma |
Just so squeezable and cute! |
Ready to go swimming! |
having fun in the pool. |
Hope you can enjoy the last days...the time passes so quickly! I am back in April already booo!
ReplyDeleteHi Michelle-
ReplyDeleteFirst off, congrats on your residency and apologies for the spammy post - I couldn't find another way to contact you. Secondly, I'm the editor of, and I came across your blog through the course of my research on Canada. Currently we're looking to source expats on the ground who'd be willing to share their knowledge, and I was hoping you'd be interested. If so, drop me a mail at Thanks again for your time and consideration.
You will never forget all these important memories of Cammie's first year of life, Jen. I am so glad you've had such a long break to be with her. I know it would be great if it could be longer, but even one year is longer than most people get. I know you know that and are happy for what you've had. Now life will be fuller and more interesting...and even surprisingly, maybe more organized? I have found that being retired does not always mean I get more done! :)
ReplyDeletenice and really a amazing post