Thursday, April 26, 2012

There Goes April

So I've been back to work just over 2 months already and finally getting back to feeling like I'm not so out of place.  The draw back is that the time keeps flying by and I don't seem to take as many photos as I did with my year off.  I don't think I've totally gotten my groove back just yet.

We will be changing day cares, adding in some vacation changes but hopefully all great changes.  Cam is finally walking more and more on her own.  She can fly through the house if we hold her hand but is up to about 10 or so steps before she plops down and crawls.  I know how she is, she's a perfectionist like me.. She doesn't like to fall, and wants to be perfect and not fall..  It's cute still.  She's already taken to catching and throwing the ball, as well as kicking it.  She catches on quick!

Cam also has taken to playing chase.  It's adorable to watch P and her.  I'm sure when grandma and grandpa come in another month, they will be playing too.  She's also curious about everything and trying to say the words.  The cutest thing is her singing in the car and her love for the swing at the park out the door.


  1. Good to see the boys having fun :-)

  2. This is the time in her life when she will continue growing like a weed, Jen. I know you're eating it up! Me, too. :)

  3. Nicola7:51 AM

    Hi Jen,
    i'm Nicola from Italy and i found your blog through expat blog site. I would like to move to Canada and from 14th to 26th August i'll be in Vancouver and i'm searching for someone to meet and to talk to about life there.

    Thank you in advance if you would like to answer


  4. Nicola7:53 AM

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  5. Oh my goodness! She has really grown! I bet now you are wondering what you ever did without her. My daughter came down for supper for mother's day...they grow up so fast. Hope you have a great week!
    Take Care,
