Thursday, November 24, 2005

Which Parade Are You Going To?

With the ever popular Macy's Day parade in New York today, I thought it would be a good time to mention a few other rather cool parades which will be happening soon. Here in Vancouver we already had our Christmas Day parade last week. I'm not really sure why it's so early, but it is. Maybe the reason is to kick off the holiday season.

The people of Fribourg will be celebrating the 100th St. Nicolas parade on December 3rd, a parade which has been held every year without interruption since 1906. The festivities take place for two days beginning with an evening concert at the college church. The next afternoon, thousands of people are expected to flock to Fribourg to see St. Nicolas and every surviving St. Nicolas from past parades.

I'm sure the same thing happens in many of the other towns and villages too as St. Nicolas is seen riding into town on the back of a pony throwing sweets to the crowd. We watched a parade in Erlach which was very exciting but cold and festive. Montreux, Zurich and Basel are also great areas to check out during the Christmas season. I've been to all three places and loved each place as there is lots to do, especially drinking hot wine.

I've been able to find a great receipe for all of those who might want to make this wine at home.

Samichlaus Gluh Wine

Liter good red wine
Quarter liter water
Lemon juice to taste
Cinnamon sticks
Oranges (ideally organic)
Preparation: Mix red wine and water and lemon juice and spices in pot. Heat until near boiling. Give mulled wine in pre-warmed glasses. Also, I think you can add raisins in there for more flavor.

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