Sunday, December 14, 2008

Too Cold for Snowmen

We woke up this morning to a lot of snow for a city that isn't used to seeing temperatures reach 0C.

Here's a look at a few of the photos I managed to get while freezing in the wind.

A fair amount of snow fell on the ground.
 It was windy and cold.
Add a bit of Holiday Spirit.
P giving me a smile.
snow down the brick wall.
Even the paddling club was closed today.
I think we are in for a week of cold snowy weather around Victoria, BC.  
This is quite unusual for the area.


  1. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Snow - in Victoria?

    Enjoy it while it lasts!

  2. Oh, I'm jealous! Nothing like a bit of snow to get into a lovely holiday spirit :)

  3. Yeah, it definitely looks like winter is here to stay now!

  4. It's unusually cold here in Vancouver too! Brrrr!

  5. A little frigid there, eh? Talked to my mom and also a guy I went to school with yesterday. Back in my old stomping grounds of SD, -2F NOT including the windchill.... So what is the weather usually supposed to be like this time of year there in Victoria?

  6. Do you think a rougher winter all over this year is maybe a good sign, Jen? I sure hope so. It's really been cold here in Atlanta, and that IS good. Now, if only we can get some more rain...and even snow. It does happen here, usually one day every winter!

  7. You live in such beautiful nature.
    Fabulous captures.
    And so nice to see P's smile
